Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Important public hearing Jan, 4 @ 7pm

There is a VERY important public hearing tonight @ 7pm at the Selectmen's Office. There is a petitioned warrant article (the founder being John Babiarz, Libertarian) to abolish the Planning Board.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean the free town project is still going forward?
Has babiarz ever tried this before?

3:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what happened?

5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what in the hell is the "committee to save grafton"? I know it isn't the people from this site! So, is wendell clough the father of curtis? just read a letter by wendell, he sounds like he may be better at being a selectman than joyce.

2:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am impressed by how he chose not to be on the ballot. Also his union activities. He may be planning to organize Grafton town employees.

2:31 PM


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