Oh No! Tony Stelik is going to kill himself!
"Indeed FSP is the last chance or there will be nothing left, worth of living for." - Tony Stelik
Pretty scary stuff Tony. Don't you have kids? Check out this site Tony : http://www.finalexit.org/ Just trying to help ;)
Tony Stelik
Southington CT 06489
I wonder what the Tony Stelik - John Babiarz connection is. John Babiarz was born in Southington, CT and only moved to Grafton, NH about 11 years ago. John B's parents still live in Southington, CT. I think Tony S. and John B. are both Polish too.
"Feeling like adding my 2 cents to this discussion….
As fare as I am familiar with the Free Town Project, it was not a monolith in any sense shape and form organization.
There were at least three competing groups of people hoping for acquiring inexpensive land and house. Although general idea of complementing existing political shape in considered towns, and Grafton was on the top of the list, was semi- driving motivation, in reality the prevailing consideration for most of interested in the project was economical reasons and political outcomes being a byproduct.
Further, free town project never evolved more than to loose discussion group on the yahoo forum. There is no one who could represent free town project. All what could be represented are various, also loosely formed, business oriented groups and Zack was not a member of any – as fare as I would know.
I am trying to think what Tim and Amanda were doing at the town meeting since FSP never endorsed free town project discussion group, nor it endorsed any particular business group. Bob Hull does not belong to any group and his land investment is strictly individual affair. He did not even take major part in discussions, not alone in discussions with Zack. Mike Lorrey was involved in one of business groups and his attendance could be justified at the meeting, but he was exactly opposing Zack all the way and should be rather amongst audience at the meeting. The only person or persons who should be answering the questions are Zack and one or two others who shared Zack’s opinions.
Zack is a libertine. He has any right to be whatever he wants to be, and if he made a noise he should have enough courage to face the people he addresses and take a stand like a man to defend his position. The all interested in this case are "Zackoniaks" and the people of Grafton. Unfortunately I see Zack did not have enough integrity to be where needed and take responsibility to answer the questions. Others had to cover his behind with better or worse effects.
As to Zack’s history I have to take his side however. He was charged for having child pornography stored on his computer. In effect he was accused, he lost his case in the court and he won appeal (democrats dug this out). I know Zack and I would be more than surprised if he would happened to be a pedophile. On the other hand he is rabbit individualist and his downloading of the pictures might be just a form of protest. What right has the government to tell anybody what sides you can or can not visit on the web? If the source owner does not object to download files, what business has the government to tall you what is legal or illegal to download? Is not the internet beyond any jurisdiction of any agency? I myself, unbuckle when I see road block and police officers checking if the drivers are buckled up. And for the same reason. What the government business in deciding how I am protecting myself? What I am blaming Zack for, is stupidity. In his age and experience I would expect such a person should know, since long, be libertine can only hurt him, and if somebody can be associated with him will be hurt to. Opposition to liberty can, and always uses any tricks to scare the people and play them against potential friends. Libertine is creating enemy to his own believes with the total contradiction to reason.
The conclusion of all the mess Zack created is that he single-handedly, perhaps shut down free town project in any form in Grafton and wherever else. Zacks page and the logical consequences of it, I have to consider as initiation of force against all porcupines." -tony stelik
Tony, it was not just Zack. You all have pretty much the same goal for Grafton as Zack. Please stop trying to blame Zack for everything, because it is simply not true. You are part of the problem too, along with your buddy John B. Did you forget about the Blue Floridian tour in Feb.? You and Tim and Zack and Bob chose Grafton as the freetown. Who talked you into that?
Didn't Tim tell Bob he was going to buy some of the land before it was purchased? Who is Bob going to sell the land to, democrats? If Bob's buying land is an individual affair, why is he buying it under a bunch of differnt name? And at the town meeting people quoted the freestateproject site, not just the freetownproject site.
You can try all the revisionist history you want, but it does not change the past. And why do you keep blaming democrats? Who told you the meeting was full of Dems? Is that just marketing to the other porcupines?
Tony,Tony,Tony...Zack didn't create this mess all on his own. You must know that is a crazy accusation. Who helped Zack create this mess (not in order): Tim Condon, Mike Lorrey, John Babiarz, Amanda Philips, Tony Stelik,Zack/Larry, Jason P Sorens, J. Maynard, Chuck G. (for going to the town meeting and insulting people in the town), K.Murphy, and everyone else involved in the FTP/Grafton Crisis Group/ Grafton For Freedom ( how is the new group coming along?)I thought TONS of Graftonites had joined the Grafton crisis group and now LOVED FTP/Grafton for Freedom..Are things not going as well as planned? I guess I am supposed to add Jay Denonville, but for some reason, I don't! I will add all who went on the tour of Grafton with Babiarz the weekend of the Porc. fest.
11:32 AM
I see, Save Grafton, you finally expose yourself in a light that everyone with eyes can see. I have already devised from your anonymous posting that you are a bigot. Now you just prove it to everyone else by your need to blatantly ravage Mr. Stelik for daring to be born outside this country. You are a Neo-Con, A blatantly self-righteous right-winger. A knuckle dragging, Pat Robertson following, Bush worshipping Neo-Nazi/Fascist. You just cannot get over the fact that you lost WWII so you blast everyone who would get in the way of your bigoted plans. YOU ARE EXPOSED!!!
12:52 PM
I see, Save Grafton, you finally expose yourself in a light that everyone with eyes can see. I have already devised from your anonymous posting that you are a bigot. Now you just prove it to everyone else by your need to blatantly ravage Mr. Stelik for daring to be born outside this country. You are a Neo-Con, A blatantly self-righteous right-winger. A knuckle dragging, Pat Robertson following, Bush worshipping Neo-Nazi/Fascist. You just cannot get over the fact that you lost WWII so you blast everyone who would get in the way of your bigoted plans. YOU ARE EXPOSED!
Whoever wrote that is so far from the truth it is insane!! I am not a bigot, I have never followed Pat Robertson, I would never ever vote for Bush or follow him. This has NOTHING to do with WW2, I am not a neo-nazi fascist. Your accusations make me SICK. You are really really missing the point. We are trying to figure out what is going on with this "take over" business by looking into the people directly involved in orchestrating this so-called take over. You guys are the bigots..signing the "We won't pay reperations" and wanting to get rid of public schools and welfare (food,housing,healthcare for those who can't otherwise afford it!!!!!!!!)...Be specific...where are the racist remarks???Who cares if Stelik wasn't born here, I don't! We were just pointing out that Stelik and Babiarz MAY have a connection, and it may be that they have family from thew same country and both have lived in CT. Talk about name calling.. you guys are worse than bullies on a play ground. I have never heard so many adults so quick to judge and name call as you MILITANT big L libertarians..Maybe you are freaking out because you don't want us to mention Stelik and Babiarz??I don't go around calling people knucle dragging low lifes.. You need to check yourself!!
1:16 PM
Are you claiming they are not Polish?
Did I say something bad about Polish people?
Why you hatin' on me?
1:54 PM
"I have already devised from your anonymous posting that you are a bigot."
If the posts are anonymous, how do you know who posted them?
Please quote some of those remarks so I can see what you are talking about?
"You just cannot get over the fact that you lost WWII so you blast everyone who would get in the way of your bigoted plans."
Are you claiming save-grafton is German, Japanese or Italian? I am none of those things. Try again. Even if I was, what would it matter? Do you hate people from those places? It would seem so.
2:02 PM
"Now you just prove it to everyone else by your need to blatantly ravage Mr. Stelik for daring to be born outside this country."
I suggest a reading comprehension class. Tony was born in another coutry? Where did you get that info? Not from this blog.
6:40 PM
hey john, why did you move to grafton? weren't you and rebecca happy in nashua?
8:02 PM
"hey john, why did you move to grafton? "
Must be fate. But specifically because we bought a house in Grafton. or my favorite, "It's for the children".
"weren't you and rebecca happy in nashua?"
No, not really, at least not where we lived. We couldn't let our kids outside to play without supervision in the neighborhood lived in. I like Nashua, but I did not want to buy a small condo for 1/4 million. Way too much traffic, especialy on weekends and around chrismas time. We wanted to live 'in the middle of nowhere'. We like nature. We have liked everyone we have met in Grafton so far.
Why do you care?
8:51 PM
You have kids Jay?
Um, I thought yall picked Grafton because yall thought it would be what you precieved to be the easiest to 'take over'. Low population and no zoning being requirements for yalls choice. Yall also thought yall would have a base of support of about 125 Babiarz supporters. And only 4 people chose Grafton, and you where not involved in that decicion Jay. That is what Tim wrote.
Zoning would kill your plans. Grafton would not have been considered by yall if it had zoning. We did not know there wasnot zoning in Grafton until after we decided to make an offer. I thought no zoning was a good thing, but you guys are changing my mind on that.
We did not choose Grafton for the same reasons as you.
7:49 AM
I'm not worried about you moving to Grafton, Jay. I find Lorrey and Condon.....well, I'll keep my opinion to myself.
2:05 PM
At this point, I would take Larry/Zack and Jay moving to Grafton over any of the following: Condon, Stelik, Chuckie G., Captain Bruce H., Philips, Mark, Gov.Benson, Robert and Nixi Chesnavich, Jason P Sorens, Alan Weiss, Maynard , Murphy, and all the FSP "leadership" that I forgot and the aggressive FTP members who want a take over at all costs. OH! I forgot the transhumanist clone-loving Mike Lorrey. If it was just Zack/Larry and Jay, you wouldn't hear a peep from me...unless they found 200 WORSE people to recruit than the above list...I don't think it is possible! NOw that I have looked into to all of this, I kind of like Boston T. Pary. His explanations are clear and he is right to the point. I think I may buy one of his many books! I was going to add Babiarz to the list (he deserves it), but I kept him off because he helps put out fires in Grafton, that is NOT a bad thing..Boston T. Party makes me realize that it is not all libertarians I have an issue with, just the ones in the FSP/FTP!
6:45 AM
Hey Grafton shitbags. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE YOU OVER BY FORCE! Don't get confused. I'm an FSP member and we talk about it all the time. We also formulate stories to spoon-feed this blog and twist your little hillbilly minds into our way of thinking. Haha, you are puppets.
You haven't had an original complaint or issue, that has not been planted by an FSP representative since the first week of inception. The funny thing is, I can tell you this now, and still be in control of you by the end of the day. The lights are a little dim in Grafton, and they will soon go out!
There is no plan to move to Grafton. Do you understand that shitbags?? Understand, when I say "shitbags" I'm talking about everyone in NH, not just Grafton. The plan is to TAKE OVER, migration is not necessary, who the fuck would live in Grafton on purpose anyway? BTW, NH wasn't chosen because it is the most " free state" it was chosen because the people who occupy it are generally the most ignorant residents that occupy any state and they are as defenseless as school girls when it comes to politics. You are completly predictable with every action you take. This blog is all you can do to defend yourselves against the impending take over?? That is why Grafton was chosen. Do you think the same response would be offered out west??? Not a chance, they would have skinned us alive for throwing Zack at them, but you people are great, you take it right in the ass and ask for more. Zack was great wasn't he?? I don't think anyone could have done it better. You responded with the usual predictability, just like what was planned. Haha, boy, it was beautiful!
Grafton will be TAKEN OVER! don't you worry about that. The snare has already been tripped by your very own top official. It's all over but the publicity for the next endeavor. This will go down in history as one of the most profound political coups in America's history, and ya'll git to be a part of it, so, look alive! Everyone is watching.
8:29 PM
No, not many are watching, or even care.
10:38 AM
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