Friday, August 20, 2004


From: Mike Lorrey
Date: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:14 pm


Why Grafton? It has been declared "The Free Town" by a group of Free State Project members investigating and planning its establishment and development.

Population: 1,000
Registered voters: 700
Actual ballot casters: 460
Libertarian leaning voters: 125

Grafton was rated the safest town in the northeastern US in the event of nuclear war by one academic study.

Area: 40 square miles

Location: 15 miles south southwest of the geographic center of New Hampshire, it is 40-45 minutes drive from the state capital, Concord.

Geography: mountainous/hilly with ponds, lakes and valleys

Geology: granite/schist/mica/quartz rock, late holocene glacial moraines, bogs, it is the eastern reaches of the ancient glacial Lake Mascoma.

Landmarks: Ruggle's Mine, a colonial mica mine, is a significant tourist draw. The town is otherwise highly undeveloped.

Development advantages: No zoning codes, no town building inspector, no building permits. A rather ineffectual town planning board is pretty much a rubber stamp.

Once we've transplanted 200-250 activist libertarians to the free town, we will be a functional majority of the town. When this happens, the following will occur:

- Divestment of the public school system, instituting private schools and homeschooling.

- Deestablishing the town police department, the town selectmen will wield their proper constabulary authority directly on a rotating basis, deputizing a volunteer constable corps, much like the volunteer fire department.

- Privatization of non-state roads.

- Encouragement of residential migration to off grid power.

Free Town Land Development: Building the "Habitat for Liberty", with raised capital and sweat equity of working members, on 300 acres of beautiful wooded terrain surrounding Ruggle's Mine.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

LoL. Mike is such an asshole.

- Mark

8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hear amanda is pregnant with zack/larrys baby. something about shacking up when they met in florida recently. thats the real reason he got kicked out of the fsp. so i hear.

5:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you let that particular "cat" out of the bag!! Thats dirty pool! Besides, we all know it was aborted, right?? hmm, boy, that would have been one ugly child. Im pretty sure her and Jason are back together anyway. Shit happens.

5:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike is a CREDIBLE asshole.
hee hee

11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Mike is an INCREDIBLE asshole.

12:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>i hear amanda is pregnant with zack/larrys baby.

How do the polyamory types tell who's baby they are knocked up with? I thought Zack, Alan R. Weiss, George Reich and Amanda Phillips were all polyamorous. I don't even want to think about what happend at the 'porc' fest.

As far as libertopians and babies go:

Why Raise Children?Raising children is a painful, messy, and unrewarding activity. Sure, Libertopians have sex, but with easy access to contraceptives and abortions, it rarely results in childbirth. And sure, some people feel an urge to have children, but they’re merely self-deluded — libertopians know they’re not going to raise children unless they get paid.

And who’s going to pay them? The children won’t — they’re free people too. They’re not going to sign a contract when they haven’t even been born yet, and they’re too young to do so when they need a parent’s care the most.

You can’t regulate it, because libertopians just won’t have kids and they certainly won’t let government bureacrats tell them how to raise them!

You can’t tax for a childraising organization, because libertopians would never support such wealth redistribution.

The end result? Libertopia has hardly any kids (a miniscule birth rate) and any babies that are born are left to fend for themselves and quickly die (a near 100% infant death rate). As libertopians grow older and die off, the nation shrinks and shrinks until everyone dies off and Libertopia is no more.

But, considering what Libertopia was like, maybe that isn’t such a bad thing…

4:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said... who is raising amanda's kid while she is going to phish shows and rush shows and applying for law school (LOL!) and running pro weed FSP rallies with giant joints hanging over her table? does her pta people know all this crap?? who did she sign over custody of the kid while she went and joined the military? she obviously joined right after "popping" the baby out! she is one hell of a mom! maybe the "baby's daddy" raises the kid? and is he down with this crap? is a polyamours or whatever also? I mean WTF? hey guys-check out my journal and kiss my ass OR ELSE!

5:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! mike lorrey is big time asshole. anyone see his posts on the fsp about "somena" and corbedex? he says he and the fsp already got rid of chuck and zack..he is a powerhouse. why doesn't he have a position in the FSP? i thought i read some email awhile ago where he was saying he wanted to be on the fsp bod? what happened with that? one would think the fsp is mike's baby, not jason's. shit, lorrey will sink the fsp ship all by himself. when are they going to kick that lowlife out? all zack did was talk big L shit. lorrey hits below the belt,and he is clearly crazy..yes,amanda is a nut job but she has such a nice smile..

4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and that chin

8:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

just when i think i can tolerate the "ftp", i find out about this screwy extopian transhumanist "i want to live forever" crap. i guess if that is what you guys are about, i was right to reject your ideas. are all of you transhumanists, or is it just lorrey?
chuck? are you a transhumanist?
i am assuming tony is, but i don't know about zack/larry?
babiarz and benson look like transhumanists, and what i mean is they look kinda like aliens in suits.
amanda's chin? it is weird, especially when you see it on her brother.

1:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

far as i can tell the transhumanism stuff is strictly mike lorreys balliwick. ive not seen anything from amanda, jason or others that indicate that they are part of the cult of transhumanism. poor dumb gullible mike lorrey

5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mandy is a transhumanist.

6:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad NHPR has this source of FSP observation. Heh.

3:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But really, can't wait to see how you morons act when the oil dries up. That's gonna be REAL fun.

3:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>I'm so glad NHPR has this source of FSP observation. Heh.

What??? I don't get it, but I am dumb.

>But really, can't wait to see how you morons act when the oil dries up. That's gonna be REAL fun.

It already is real fun. What you talking 'bout, Willis?

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anybody else noticed that the shady business Mike Lorrey is running in manchester is no longer on-line. Rumour has it that they stiffed another ISP out of thousands of dollars and so the website has been shut down.

The funny this is that this is a internet based business. Hard to run if you don't have an ISP huh?
WTG Mike Lorrey! You've found another business to fail at, Mr.Economic Development!

6:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. It's true 1-800 Serve-Em appears to be down for the count. Since Wednesday the 20th if the results on internic are any indication. Looks like Lorrey will soon be an unemployed bum once again.

10:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Lorrey! - How's business? Are you getting paid on time?

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

More News on Mikey "economics" Lorrey and his shady ass business. A little bird whispered in our ear that 1-800 Serve Ems equipment has been seized by their ISP for failure to pay thousands in hosting fees.

Gibson and his girlfriend are telling clients and process servers that this action is illegal and that Federal Marshalls are looking for the owner of the ISP to arrest. It's bunk. In startling contrast to this, the reality is that Gibson tried to force his way into the ISPs offices and steal the seized equipment. The Miami police were called on him. The website for the company has been down for over 3 weeks now. Couldnt have happened to a nicer bunch of people!

10:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The domain name expired on Oct. 25 and it took a few days for it to get re-registered by the Corbadex Corporation. I tried to buy it, but I think the owner get 30 days or so to re-register before the domain goes back up for sale. Those guys seem to be dropping the ball all over the place. It looks like the site is back up, but it was down for a while.

9:55 PM


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