Sunday, June 20, 2004

The Top Ten Lies Told In the Wake Of The Grafton Focus Meeting 6/19

Message 7032 -

From: Tim Condon
Date: Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:00 pm
Subject: Re: [Free_Town_Project] Top Ten Lies Told by the FSP/FTP In the Wake Of The Grafton Focus Meeting 6/19

At 10:54 AM 6/20/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Feel free to cross-post wherever you can. Amanda Phillips apparently holds residents of Grafton to a different standard than non-Grafton residents when she banned me yesterday after posting something she found to be offensive after one warning. She gives Grafton residents the one strike and you're out treatment while others receive two warnings.

The Top Ten Lies Told In the Wake Of The Grafton Focus Meeting 6/19
And boy, were they coming fast and furious down the pike, during the meeting and afterward in the mentions in the press.

10) From the 6/20 Union Leader: "There's a lot of fear and xenophobia out there," said Tim Condon. "They want to fight against anyone coming in. That's why they kept saying, you haven't answered the question."

Ohmigod, does he really believe this??? Is he really this dense? Does he really think people in NH and Grafton believed his horseshit? One person said, in addition to being a lawyer, he must be a farmer cause he sure does dish out the manure. He must own a helluva backhoe!

Yep. I'm saying it. Why don't you identify yourself so we know who the players are here? I was quite clear and quite emphatic on a number of issues. Repeatedly. We always knew there would be xenophobia to be fought against. But not everyone exhibits that kind of characteristic. I wonder who this "R L" character is.

9) From the Peaks & Valleys column in the 6/20 Boston Globe: "[Babiarz] now says he wants nothing to do with the Freetowners."
Really, now, John? Then why are you and Rosalie so graciously offering to play host to the invading Porcupines who will be showing up in town on the 27th for a four-hour tour of the Free Town?

Yep. I'll be there too. Babiarz has never been a member of the Free Town organization. But he very graciously helped us when we visited there. And he and Rosalie will very graciously help us, along with other Grafton Residents, when we come in to visit and tour on the 27th. You got a problem with that? You got a problem with individual freedom? You got a problem with individual rights or private property? Thankfully, you're not representative of the people of Grafton. You're a piss ant.

8) From the mouth of Mike Lorrey: "Grafton has 40 square miles of land. There's a lot of land to build on, you won't even know we're there."

Sorry, we forget, you're from the big city of Lebanon you don't know about things like swamps and ledge. JUST BECAUSE WE HAVE 40 SQUARE MILES DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN BUILD ON EVERY SQUARE INCH. Besides, you've already stated in other public posts that your core group of Free Towners don't really have much of a pot to piss in. Who's gonna volunteer to buy that 5.1 acre parcel that's solid ledge, that will take tens of thousands of dollars worth of explosives to blast out in order to put a septic system in? Oh wait, silly me, I forgot that Dave Walthour told you it was perfectly fine to just pipe your shit and sewage into the ground through some PVC pipe, with absolutely no mention of a septic system design let alone that it ain't a good idea to dig your well a few feet away from your septage pipe. Wonder what the NH department of environmental services and the state board of realtors will say this week when they get a copy of the email where Dave Walthour told Tim Condon it was perfectly okay. Might as well send a copy to the NH Bar Association, in case Condon gets the funny idea that he might like to practice law once he moves to Free Town, Free State, USA.

Stupid statement by the asshole, Mr. Piss Ant. I've repeatedly
said I intend not to be a lawyer in the Free State. I can do much more
damage to petty statist pigs like him when I get there by using my talents otherwise. By the way, I believe I know who this person is. He's a little
shit who I had several words with at the meeting yesterday. The only reason I didn't tell him in a mannerly way to "go fuck yourself, piss ant," is
because we were working hard on being calm and mannerly to everyone. I'll see you at the NHLA dinner, piss ant.

7) From Mike Lorrey at the meeting, or, Bring Out The Violins: When asked why if Grafton is so great, why he hasn't moved here yet: "Economics, and also I had to take care of my sick mother." One old-timer countered that with "I took care of my parents til the day they died and I was in Grafton the whole time, you would have moved here already if you love the town so much."

SO? Big deal, piss ant. (Oh, by the way, piss ant doesn't live in Grafton. He's from a nearby town.)

6) From the talking-out-of-both-sides-of-her-mouth Miss ANARCH vanity plate Amanda Phillips, when queried about Zack Bass: "We have urged him not to move to New Hampshire, and he is no longer a member of the Free State Project." To which a resident yelled out, "Yeah, when did you kick him out, yesterday?" She didn't reply.

5) From Tim Condon, Amanda Phillips, and Mike Lorrey at the meeting: "We have no agenda, we are not a political organization. We each have personal opinions, but we don't represent the beliefs of the Free State or Free Town Project."

And from me, repeatedly: "All you have to do is read our web site at" (several people wrote it down). I also explained a lot about the libertarian credo. And I also handed out copies of my "Finding Grafton" article and my "Re-Opening the American Frontier" articles to 20 or 25 people who came up to get it. Hang it up, piss ant. OR, if you don't WANT to be a piss ant, identify yourself, so you can be on the same terms as me, Amanda Phillips, John Babiarz, MIke Lorrey, and others. Oh? You don't WANT to? Bwahhahahahaha. Like I said, I'll see you at the NHLA dinner, or I'll see you again in Grafton, when I move there and you drag your smelly carcass across town lines into Grafton. (Does it come across that you disgust me? Surprise!)

>Told with absolute straight faces! They certainly did some fancy footwork around this one. They advocate less government yet they are not "political." Jason Sorens' original thesis was to "take over" a state, but no, they're not political in the least. Right. If you believe that, I have some oceanfront property in Grafton to show you.

FSP isn't political. What it's all about is on the FSP web site. And we are for the most part libertarians. And I repeatedly explained what we wanted for Grafton. Piss Ant doesn't like it? Too bad!

4) From Mike Lorrey as quoted in the Valley News: "Some of the opposition's been painting a lot of nasty pictures of compounds and cults and really offensive characterizations like that."

Whether you consider the "opposition" to be Graftonites or Zack Bass, the detailed plans of subdividing Bob Hull's 237 acre parcel into 5.1 acre lots along with lists of places where you could get shipping containers DID NOT come from the "opposition." They came from the likes of YOU, Michael, in addition to Captain Bruce Hartgers, Tim Condon, and Dave Walthour.

Stupid piss ant. Bob Hull said that he was going to divide an 18 acre portion of his 237 acres into 3 six-acre parcels. As to the rest of the 237 acres, he hasn't decided yet. Piss ant is a liar as well as a...well, piss ant. Don't bother us, Piss Ant, would ya?

3) From Amanda Phillips, as quoted in the Valley News: "[Zack] is not the kind of person that represents the Free State Project." The last paragraph in the article proceeds to contradict her with this: "Loosely aligned by a desire for a society with smaller government and fewer laws, Free Staters advocate the legalization of 'victimless' crimes such as prostitution and personal drug use." Nuff said.

Some do, some don't, Piss Ant. I repeatedly said it's a scandal that people are having their lives destroyed by getting busted for marijuana usage. I also said we don't want the planning board to abuse people. I also said that libertarians believe that anything consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes is okay, including sexual relations. I also said that my wife would kill me if I endorsed polygamy in public, but pointed out that about half the world---the Islamic world---believes in and practices polygamy.

2) From John Babiarz, in the Globe article, on Zack et al: "These people don't play nice."

And John, you do? You started the whole thing when you "sold" the Free Town committee (WHICH INCLUDED ZACK) on Grafton. You did so ON THE SLY, WITHOUT TELLING THE TOWN WHAT YOU DID. You now wonder why you're a pariah in town.

No need to inform Piss Ant. He doesn't even LIVE in Grafton, for one thing.

>1) From Tim Condon, at the meeting in response to a question from a resident, "What would you do if we were to approve a zoning article in the next election? Would you tell your 'followers' to not bother moving here?"
"We'd vote it down, of course"


"That's not what I asked."

"We are against zoning."

Yep! Piss Ant got one right. I only said that maybe 10 or 15 times.

"Can you please answer the question? Would you abandon the Free Town Project since your top criteria was a town with no zoning?"

Of course, more gibberish spewed from the mouth of Tim Condon, and he never did answer the question. See his quote above in number 10.

Maybe, maybe not, Piss Ant. I happen to know that most of the people in Grafton aren't pig statists like you are, and don't *want* to control what their neighbors do with and on their property. But then you, you little socialist, want us to believe that Grafton is full of people like you who want to implement zoning. But it ain't the case!

To sum up, all four of the puppets in front of the room COULD HAVE provided some valuable information to the townspeople in attendance. Contrary to their preconceived notions, we were open to hearing their ideas and plans.

Sure, there were some people there like that. We talked to them both before and after the meeting. Good people all! But not you, Piss Ant.

>Instead, they mush-mouthed their way around EVERY SINGLE QUESTION, and if Tim Condon thinks we kept saying "You're not answering the question" because we wanted to keep them out, he probably isn't too good at reading a jury in his line of work. And his social skills need lots of work: he walked up to a friend of mine out of the blue who was wearing a POW/MIA shirt and starting talking about when he served in Vietnam, etc. He proceeded to barge in in the middle of a conversation between two residents who had served in WW2 and another who spent his career in the Air Force – all were wearing military insignia of some kind on their clothing – and if he just thought he could insinuate himself into the town by pretending he could fit in as a veteran, well, all I can say is I'd never sign up to be his client.

I did talk to the guy with the POW/MIA shirt. Told him I was a Vietnam vet. We talked a little. He was in the Air Force, but joined in 1973 just as the war was winding down, so he didn't make it to Vietnam. Nice enough guy. Don't recall talking to any other veterans with insignia on their clothing. Name'em, Piss Ant.

In order of most annoying: 1) Condon; 2) Phillips; 3) Lorrey. Since Babiarz kept his mouth shut most of the time, he didn't qualify as annoying, but at times he looked like a deer caught in headlines. I don't think he ever anticipated such a big turnout among people who now consider him to be an official enemy of the town.

You're an asshole, Piss Ant. But only because you're too chickenshit to identify yourself. Come on out and do politics, like the rest of us. Don't hide. Bob Hull stood up and talked to everyone. I stood up and talked to everyone. John Babiarz stood up and talked to everyone. Amanda Phillips stood up and talked to everyone. Mike Lorrey stood up and talked to everyone. You didn't. I am *so* thankful that you're not what Grafton is all about.

Tim Condon, Participant Services Director, Free State Project
Tampa, Florida - 813-251-2626 - email: tim@t...
A chance to live what you believe:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a doozy. Please someone post it over at .

Tim Condon wrote:

Nope. I was very explicit. I talked about zoning, about the
planning board, about abuse of police powers, about marijuana and drugs,
about incest, about gays, about "live and let live," about privacy, about
polygamy, about our commitment to life, rights, and property, about the FSP
web site, about the Porc Fest...and then some.

We had a *lot* of stupid
and/or deaf people there. They repeatedly said "What is your agenda?" And I
repeated stated my (and the FSP's) agenda. And the every next person would
say "You haven't told us anything! What is your agenda?" I kid you not. Ask
Bob Hull. Ask Amanda Phillips.

Stupid and deaf people? Wow, you really want to make friends in town, don't you? Your neighborly letter will be hanging all over town tomorrow along with your phone number, mailing address and email address so that people can ask you directly how you really feel.

You didn't say SHIT mister arrogant pompous smug looking-down-your-nose attorney! And when you were asked about your agenda ALL OF YOU REPEATEDLY SAID "WE HAVE NO AGENDA!"

Maybe we weren't at the same meeting. Maybe there's another surreal Grafton that lives in your law-book addled brain, Amanda's anarchist-riddled brain and Mike Lorrey's I'm-a-native-but-I'm-trying-not-to-be brain. And the reporters were obviously at a different meeting too, because their stories clearly stated that none of you answered any questions directly.

I kid you not! You think we're all a bunch of totally uneducated hicks ready to bend over and let the likes of you screw us over because "you're going to liberate us?"

Maybe the best thing is to get a copy of the three-hour tape NHPR made and post it to the site so that people can see how stupid and deaf you are.

Then again, you're only some STUPID DEAF out-of-state totally clueless lawyer who's used to talking out of your ass for a living anyway.

Good luck dealing with the fallout. Why don't you drop all your plans and move to town this week so we can show you how stupid and deaf we really are.

6:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Now Mike Lorrey is blaming the Democrats! First it was all a mystery insiders fault. Then it was the fault of ONE person in Grafton. Then it was all Zack/Larry's fault and then it was Jay's fault. Now it is the Democrats fault. Anyway,for anyone who cares, I want to help keep Grafton as Grafton,not "free town". It has nothing to do with the Democrats. It has to do with trying to protect Grafton from the "take over". REMEMBER? Have you all forgotten your months and months of planning via your yahoo group?

6:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, it's getting better, they're starting to implode from the inside out. Wonder how long until Jason gives Condon the boot...he's turning out to be like Benson, someone slightly tars his reputation, he doesn't hesitate to can 'em.

Here's Attorney Tim Condon's "Official FSP-Sanctioned" Response to the Top Ten List:

>The Top Ten Lies Told In the Wake Of The Grafton Focus Meeting 6/19
>And boy, were they coming fast and furious down the pike, during the
>meeting and afterward in the mentions in the press.
>10) From the 6/20 Union Leader: "There's a lot of fear and xenophobia out
>there," said Tim Condon. "They want to fight against anyone coming in.
>That's why they kept saying, you haven't answered the question."
>Ohmigod, does he really believe this??? Is he really this dense? Does he
>really think people in NH and Grafton believed his horseshit? One person
>said, in addition to being a lawyer, he must be a farmer cause he sure
>does dish out the manure. He must own a helluva backhoe!

Yep. I'm saying it. Why don't you identify yourself so we know who
the players are here? I was quite clear and quite emphatic on a number of
issues. Repeatedly. We always knew there would be xenophobia to be fought
against. But not everyone exhibits that kind of characteristic. I wonder
who this "R L" character is.

>9) From the Peaks & Valleys column in the 6/20 Boston Globe: "[Babiarz]
>now says he wants nothing to do with the Freetowners."
>Really, now, John? Then why are you and Rosalie so graciously offering to
>play host to the invading Porcupines who will be showing up in town on the
>27th for a four-hour tour of the Free Town?

Yep. I'll be there too. Babiarz has never been a member of the
Free Town organization. But he very graciously helped us when we visited
there. And he and Rosalie will very graciously help us, along with other
Grafton Residents, when we come in to visit and tour on the 27th. You got a
problem with that? You got a problem with individual freedom? You got a
problem with individual rights or private property? Thankfully, you're not
representative of the people of Grafton. You're a piss ant.

>8) From the mouth of Mike Lorrey: "Grafton has 40 square miles of land.
>There's a lot of land to build on, you won't even know we're there."
>Sorry, we forget, you're from the big city of Lebanon you don't know about
>things like swamps and ledge. JUST BECAUSE WE HAVE 40 SQUARE MILES DOES
>stated in other public posts that your core group of Free Towners don't
>really have much of a pot to piss in. Who's gonna volunteer to buy that
>5.1 acre parcel that's solid ledge, that will take tens of thousands of
>dollars worth of explosives to blast out in order to put a septic system
>in? Oh wait, silly me, I forgot that Dave Walthour told you it was
>perfectly fine to just pipe your shit and sewage into the ground through
>some PVC pipe, with absolutely no mention of a septic system design let
>alone that it ain't a good idea to dig your well a few feet away from your
>septage pipe. Wonder what the NH department of environmental services and
>the state board of realtors will say this week when they get a copy of the
>email where Dave Walthour told Tim Condon it was perfectly okay. Might as
>well send a copy to the NH Bar Association, in case Condon gets the funny
>idea that he might like to practice law once he moves to Free Town, Free
>State, USA.

Stupid statement by the asshole, Mr. Piss Ant. I've repeatedly
said I intend not to be a lawyer in the Free State. I can do much more
damage to petty statist pigs like him when I get there by using my talents
otherwise. By the way, I believe I know who this person is. He's a little
shit who I had several words with at the meeting yesterday. The only reason
I didn't tell him in a mannerly way to "go fuck yourself, piss ant," is
because we were working hard on being calm and mannerly to everyone. I'll
see you at the NHLA dinner, piss ant.

>7) From Mike Lorrey at the meeting, or, Bring Out The Violins: When asked
>why if Grafton is so great, why he hasn't moved here yet: "Economics, and
>also I had to take care of my sick mother." One old-timer countered that
>with "I took care of my parents til the day they died and I was in Grafton
>the whole time, you would have moved here already if you love the town so

SO? Big deal, piss ant. (Oh, by the way, piss ant doesn't live in
Grafton. He's from a nearby town.)

>6) From the talking-out-of-both-sides-of-her-mouth Miss ANARCH vanity
>plate Amanda Phillips, when queried about Zack Bass: "We have urged him
>not to move to New Hampshire, and he is no longer a member of the Free
>State Project." To which a resident yelled out, "Yeah, when did you kick
>him out, yesterday?" She didn't reply.

>) From Tim Condon, Amanda Phillips, and Mike Lorrey at the meeting: "We
>have no agenda, we are not a political organization. We each have personal
>opinions, but we don't represent the beliefs of the Free State or Free
>Town Project."

And from me, repeatedly: "All you have to do is read our web site
at" (several people wrote it down). I also
explained a lot about the libertarian credo. And I also handed out copies
of my "Finding Grafton" article and my "Re-Opening the American Frontier"
articles to 20 or 25 people who came up to get it. Hang it up, piss ant.
OR, if you don't WANT to be a piss ant, identify yourself, so you can be on
the same terms as me, Amanda Phillips, John Babiarz, MIke Lorrey, and
others. Oh? You don't WANT to? Bwahhahahahaha. Like I said, I'll see you at
the NHLA dinner, or I'll see you again in Grafton, when I move there and
you drag your smelly carcass across town lines into Grafton. (Does it come
across that you disgust me? Surprise!)

>Told with absolute straight faces! They certainly did some fancy footwork
>around this one. They advocate less government yet they are not
>"political." Jason Sorens' original thesis was to "take over" a state, but
>no, they're not political in the least. Right. If you believe that, I have
>some oceanfront property in Grafton to show you.

FSP isn't political. What it's all about is on the FSP web site.
And we are for the most part libertarians. And I repeatedly explained what
we wanted for Grafton. Piss Ant doesn't like it? Too bad!

>4) From Mike Lorrey as quoted in the Valley News: "Some of the
>opposition's been painting a lot of nasty pictures of compounds and cults
>and really offensive characterizations like that."
>Whether you consider the "opposition" to be Graftonites or Zack Bass, the
>detailed plans of subdividing Bob Hull's 237 acre parcel into 5.1 acre
>lots along with lists of places where you could get shipping containers
>DID NOT come from the "opposition." They came from the likes of YOU,
>Michael, in addition to Captain Bruce Hartgers, Tim Condon, and Dave Walthour.

Stupid piss ant. Bob Hull said that he was going to divide an 18
acre portion of his 237 acres into 3 six-acre parcels. As to the rest of
the 237 acres, he hasn't decided yet. Piss ant is a liar as well as
a...well, piss ant. Don't bother us, Piss Ant, would ya?

>3) From Amanda Phillips, as quoted in the Valley News: "[Zack] is not the
>kind of person that represents the Free State Project." The last paragraph
>in the article proceeds to contradict her with this: "Loosely aligned by a
>desire for a society with smaller government and fewer laws, Free Staters
>advocate the legalization of 'victimless' crimes such as prostitution and
>personal drug use." Nuff said.

Some do, some don't, Piss Ant. I repeatedly said it's a scandal
that people are having their lives destroyed by getting busted for
marijuana usage. I also said we don't want the planning board to abuse
people. I also said that libertarians believe that anything consenting
adults do in the privacy of their own homes is okay, including sexual
relations. I also said that my wife would kill me if I endorsed polygamy in
public, but pointed out that about half the world---the Islamic
world---believes in and practices polygamy.

>2) From John Babiarz, in the Globe article, on Zack et al: "These people
>don't play nice."
>And John, you do? You started the whole thing when you "sold" the Free
>Town committee (WHICH INCLUDED ZACK) on Grafton. You did so ON THE SLY,
>WITHOUT TELLING THE TOWN WHAT YOU DID. You now wonder why you're a pariah
>in town.

No need to inform Piss Ant.. He doesn't even LIVE in Grafton, for
one thing.

>1) From Tim Condon, at the meeting in response to a question from a
>resident, "What would you do if we were to approve a zoning article in the
>next election? Would you tell your 'followers' to not bother moving here?"
>"We'd vote it down, of course"


>"That's not what I asked."
>"We are against zoning."

Yep! Piss Ant got one right. I only said that maybe 10 or 15 times.

>"Can you please answer the question? Would you abandon the Free Town
>Project since your top criteria was a town with no zoning?"
>Of course, more gibberish spewed from the mouth of Tim Condon, and he
>never did answer the question. See his quote above in number 10.

Maybe, maybe not, Piss Ant.. I happen to know that most of the
people in Grafton aren't pig statists like you are, and don't *want* to
control what their neighbors do with and on their property. But then you,
you little socialist, want us to believe that Grafton is full of people
like you who want to implement zoning. But it ain't the case!

>To sum up, all four of the puppets in front of the room COULD HAVE
>provided some valuable information to the townspeople in attendance.
>Contrary to their preconceived notions, we were open to hearing their
>ideas and plans.

Sure, there were some people there like that. We talked to them
both before and after the meeting. Good people all! But not you, Piss Ant.

>Instead, they mush-mouthed their way around EVERY SINGLE QUESTION, and if
>Tim Condon thinks we kept saying "You're not answering the question"
>because we wanted to keep them out, he probably isn't too good at reading
>a jury in his line of work. And his social skills need lots of work: he
>walked up to a friend of mine out of the blue who was wearing a POW/MIA
>shirt and starting talking about when he served in Vietnam, etc. He
>proceeded to barge in in the middle of a conversation between two
>residents who had served in WW2 and another who spent his career in the
>Air Force – all were wearing military insignia of some kind on their
>clothing – and if he just thought he could insinuate himself into the town
>by pretending he could fit in as a veteran, well, all I can say is I'd
>never sign up to be his client.

I did talk to the guy with the POW/MIA shirt. Told him I was a
Vietnam vet. We talked a little. He was in the Air Force, but joined in
1973 just as the war was winding down, so he didn't make it to Vietnam.
Nice enough guy. Don't recall talking to any other veterans with insignia
on their clothing. Name'em, Piss Ant.

>In order of most annoying: 1) Condon; 2) Phillips; 3) Lorrey. Since
>Babiarz kept his mouth shut most of the time, he didn't qualify as
>annoying, but at times he looked like a deer caught in headlines. I don't
>think he ever anticipated such a big turnout among people who now consider
>him to be an official enemy of the town.

You're an asshole, Piss Ant. But only because you're too
chickenshit to identify yourself. Come on out and do politics, like the
rest of us. Don't hide. Bob Hull stood up and talked to everyone. I stood
up and talked to everyone. John Babiarz stood up and talked to everyone.
Amanda Phillips stood up and talked to everyone. Mike Lorrey stood up and
talked to everyone. You didn't. I am *so* thankful that you're not what
Grafton is all about.

Tim Condon, Participant Services Director, Free State Project
Tampa, Florida - 813-251-2626 - email:
A chance to live what you believe:

7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the official end of the "charm offensive?"

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard the NPR report - this was broadcast nationally on All Things Considered today at about 5:40, rather than on the local broadcast only. The most interesting bit was a brief interview with Tim Condon, where he seemed genuinely surprised at the reception they got. I believe he said something to the effect that he thought we'd welcome the FTP with open arms.

Stunning cluelessness.

6:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not cluelessness. It's just barefaced arrogance. He just can't believe that we don't accept that he knows what's best for us. Good grief!

7:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish some one could answer the ? that y are they trying to win us over and y don't thay just move here like that man said at the meeting.i think thay are up to something here and all i can say is that we (grafton reisedents) need to get more involved and if there are any voters out there that don't vote need to so that thay will never get the chance to get into office if we work together as the town that we are.

9:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most prominent repeated theme here is "What are these guys up to!?"

I think that is answered quite easily. They want a libertarian city, then a libertarian state. So the real question you're asking is, what is libertarianism.

Libertarian ideologies are pretty simple, and in fact, are probably what you already believe in yourself. (After all, this country itself was founded by libertarian thinkers)

Libertarians believe government's only purpose is to protect people from coercion and violence. They value individual responsibility, and tolerate economic and social diversity.

There's nothing hokey or sinister about libertarianism. Do a google search, do a bit of research, see if you disagree with any of it. I'm sure you won't.

10:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said they are not Libertarins at the town meeting.

11:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said they are not Libertarins at the town meeting.

11:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They said they are not Libertarins at the town meeting.


If "they" said anything remotely like that, then they were referring to not being members of the Libertarian Party aka "Big-L Libertarians".

- Mark

5:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's not cluelessness. It's just barefaced arrogance. He just can't believe that we don't accept that he knows what's best for us. Good grief!


Hehe. Just look what negative marketing campaigns have done for The Passion of the Christ and Fahrenheit 911. :O)

5:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark - are you speaking for all of the FSP and FTP? They did not say that you were their new spokesperson at the meeting. Their statements at the meeting were their beliefs. They claim they are NOT Libertarians,which ever size letter L you want! Take it up with JasonPSorens and Amanda Philips and Tim Condon..btw..go back to the freestateforum to discuss your philosophies. This a site for residents of Grafton and residents of NH to discuss the take over by the FTP and FSP, remember???

7:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If "they" said anything remotely like that, then they were referring to not being members of the Libertarian Party aka "Big-L Libertarians".

- Mark"

Or they lied.

7:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim did reveal that they are libertarians in some of his answers. When asked about welfare, Tim said "We are libertarians, we don't believe in welfare."

He couldn't remember his offical "We are not libertarians" line. FSP/FTP members are liberty-lovers, not libertarians.

7:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks - nobody lied. FSP members are from all political parties (and some from none). Some are Libertarians (as in big "L" Libertarians) but some are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are Greens, some don't identify with any party, etc. The common thread is that they are "liberty lovers." The majority of members use the term "libertarian" as a synonym for this, but that term is often confusing to many people who don't necessarily understand the difference between "libertarian" and "Libertarian." Thus, the FSP tries to use other, less confusing terms.

12:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit.

When I asked Tim Condon what he meant when he wrote

"If we build it, they will come",

Tim Condon did not deny it was said, he just tried to shift blame, and said, "Zack Bass said that" or some other silliness. Is blaming Zack for everything the new strategy? That seemed to be all FSP/FTP had at the Grafton meeting.

Tim wrote,"Build it first, in other words, and they will come."
-message 134

I wonder why the Free_town_project message board was locked. I guess they don't want the press to see that. And when someones asked where they could find out more info about FTP, Tim gave the URL, not Wonder why?

Tim, will you answer the question now that I post proof that you wrote it, and have the quote correct?

What did you mean when you wrote "Build it first, in other words, and they will come."?

1:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FSP/FTP need to create a retraction/correction section. Or they can continue to LIE.

9:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it quite interesting all this talk about the folks at the meeting (Tim, Amanda, Mike, et al) 'lying'. The problem they are having is one that Zack has continually attacked in various forums and in the FSP forums:

Zacks Position (in my words, of course):
If you try to 'hide' what you are, or 'sugar-coat' libertarianism in any way, you will ultimately be called to the floor on this and not only have to defend your beliefs, but also have to defend your lies. Either you are a libertarian, with ALL that it implies, or you are not - there is no 'middle ground'.At first, I was against Zack's position, mainly because I was use to giving way to the seemingly unlimited opposition to my beliefs. But as I researched more, understood more, and fully thought out what my principles were - it became much easier (and guilt-free) to simply state my 'real' views.

Tim cringes at the thought of standing up in front of a mixed audience and plainly stating 'Yes, I believe that prostitution should not be considered a crime' - and since he can't do this, he will lose respect from BOTH sides of the issue, as we are seeing here.

My only hope is that since Tim is/was also a part of the FTP folks as well as the FSP membership recruiter, that you view his statements as reflective of his role in the FSP, not the FTP.

so, to state things as plain as I can:
YES, the ultimate goal of the FTP is to create a majority libertarian presence in a politically powerful area (town, county, or state) in an effort to prevent further government encroachment on basic rights and to repeal those areas of government which do infringe on the same rights. Two methods were finally decided upon...
(1) attract a significant percentage of the local population (perhaps 10-20%) of 'newcomer' libertarians and actively pursue debate and discussions with the 'locals' in an effort to persuade them over to our beliefs. This is supposedly being attempted in Rochester. The Rochester group split off from us more 'hard-core' #2 groupies early this year and the main proponent is/was the owner of the FreeTownProject list that was locked (handle 'libertarian40').
(2) This group (my group, the ones you are up in arms about) believes that the first groups premises are totally flawed and nothing will ever come of it as witnessed by the past 30 years of 'persuassion' accomplished by the Nat'Lib Party..zilch. We believe that 'persuassion' will only ultimately garner a few folks to our cause... so we advocate attracting enough libertarians to 'make up the difference' between local libs and statists to turn the tide in the libs favor. This does indeed come across as something 'underhanded' or 'unfair' to many folks(libs and non-libs), including those in group #1.

One of the advantages of dealing with us, the crazy #2's, is that you will know where we stand, we accept the friction which will inevitably follow when statists and others who do not believe in our views are faced with our firm stands on issues based moral, economic, and ethical grounds. And there WILL be those who hate us for our politics and thoughts. If libs decide to move to Grafton, then it will be in everyones best interest to understand each other as much as possible and try our best to be civil and humane.

graftonites who vehemently oppose libertarian policys will face the same exact situation that libs have faced across the country for 30 years... being in a position of weak political power. I believe so strongly in my views that I am willing to relocate in order to actually have a chance at seeing people and policys that reflect me, something that libertarians will never accomplish by being a 5% minority party in this supposed 'representative' government of 'ours'. Heck, the mormons did it with Utah, the lefties did it with Vermont (kinda), and we will try. Don't worry, no rights will be violated or laws broken, everything on the up and up.

So there it is in Black and White. My fellow FSP members will claim that I and the FTP are going about this is the absolute wrong method, that we are actually hindering the progress of the FSP, we are 'saboteurs' and various other labels. But I can sleep at night. I will stand by my beliefs that zoning, public education, taxation, welfare, eminent domain, victimless crime laws, etc are all wrong and immoral acts of government against the citizens and I will speak and vote accordingly.


PS: no children or animals were harmed during the creation of this post/rant

6:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found some appauling info about Free Town project memebers.. When did incest become a victimless crime? Plan to name streets after Carl Drega? You support life and liberty but yet you want to name streets after a killer? A man named Carl Drega had shot and killed two New Hampshire State troopers, Officers Leslie Lord and Scott Phillips at the IGA parking lot, stole one of the police cars and went downtown where he killed attorney Vickie Bunnell and newspaper editor Dennis Joos.
I as a resident of New Hampshire, not of Grafton though, will do my best to keep scum like Free Towners out of our great state. I hope that if you suceed in taking over Grafton that the State Troopers and Drug Task Force of New Hampshire swam down upon you and jail all of you sick, incestuous freaks! The town laws wont protect you!

4:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grafton shitbags. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE YOU OVER BY FORCE! Don't get confused. I'm an FSP member and we talk about it all the time. We also formulate stories to spoon-feed this blog and twist your little hillbilly minds into our way of thinking. Haha, you are puppets.

You haven't had an original complaint or issue, that has not been planted by an FSP representative since the first week of inception. The funny thing is, I can tell you this now, and still be in control of you by the end of the day. The lights are a little dim in Grafton, and they will soon go out!

There is no plan to move to Grafton. Do you understand that shitbags?? Understand, when I say "shitbags" I'm talking about everyone in NH, not just Grafton. The plan is to TAKE OVER, migration is not necessary, who the fuck would live in Grafton on purpose anyway? BTW, NH wasn't chosen because it is the most " free state" it was chosen because the people who occupy it are generally the most ignorant residents that occupy any state and they are as defenseless as school girls when it comes to politics. You are completly predictable with every action you take. This blog is all you can do to defend yourselves against the impending take over?? That is why Grafton was chosen. Do you think the same response would be offered out west??? Not a chance, they would have skinned us alive for throwing Zack at them, but you people are great, you take it right in the ass and ask for more. Zack was great wasn't he?? I don't think anyone could have done it better. You responded with the usual predictability, just like what was planned. Haha, boy, it was beautiful!

Grafton will be TAKEN OVER! don't you worry about that. The snare has already been tripped by your very own top official. It's all over but the publicity for the next endeavor. This will go down in history as one of the most profound political coups in America's history, and ya'll git to be a part of it, so, look alive! Everyone is watching.

8:18 PM


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