Monday, June 21, 2004

NPR : Town Doesn't Welcome Libertarians

NPR: Town Doesn't Welcome Libertarians
from All Things Considered, Monday , June 21, 2004


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I heard people laughing at Mike Lorrey when he tried to sell that song about good neighbors coming to town. Can someone tell all members of FTP who are also FSP members that we have read most of their yahoo email planning sessions. It may be down now,but the emails can still be found. They need to know this so they can talk openly about their take over wishes,not their good neigbor wishes. Someone should also tell them that we are NOT interested in more essays/theories/philosophies of their great militant big L movement aka the FSP aka FTP aka Libertarian ideas and most of all JasonPSornes' essays. I think his big idea essays have done enough damage.

8:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I heard people laughing at Mike Lorrey when he tried to sell that song about good neighbors coming to town. Can someone tell all members of FTP who are also FSP members that we have read most of their yahoo email planning sessions. It may be down now,but the emails can still be found. They need to know this so they can talk openly about their take over wishes,not their good neigbor wishes. Someone should also tell them that we are NOT interested in more essays/theories/philosophies of their great militant big L movement aka the FSP aka FTP aka Libertarian ideas and most of all JasonPSornes' essays. I think his big idea essays have done enough damage. The next time JasonPSorens writes a big idea essay about a take over, he better do it in his town..New Haven,CT. Take that town over please. Go ahead. Try. You shouldn't have to come all the way up to NH to be the "king" of your new land you commanded all Libertarians to go get for you in the name of "liberty". When will JasonPSornes take the "blame" for all this: his genius idea of a "friendly" take over. What does JasonPSorens tell people to do if and when his big idea fails? How do these people feel who moved early only to find out that shiznit is about to hit the fan? Has anyone seen the video of the big announcent of the FSP's choice of NH? Who was there? Elizabeth,Tim Condon and JasonPSorens. It is pretty funny to watch,especially the way it is edited. It looks like just as JasonPSorens is going to say something,Elizabeth runs over to the mike and starts blabbing the "20,000 liberty lovers". Also, as JasonPSorens is talking he says some shiznit about NH and how they "are already laying the groundwork in NH". When JasonPSorens says that,he looks over at Tim Condon's direstion,as if to say "that is what you are doing right Tim?". I think JasonPSorens wanted the FTP to succeed so he could run in and say "look what I did!". Now he has to shun it and say he has started a migratory group of people who are not with a party to move up to NH to be nice neighbors. It sounds bad when they say "and they will know what to do when they get there." What is that Elizabeth? Take over the town quietly?

8:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Jay.

11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I recently bought property in Grafton (well, it's a couple years ago now) and have become completely enamored with the locals and the area. Someone said (maybe Bonnie?), that Grafton is a town of hermits. That is definitely us. Every weekend that we come up to the area, we joke that we meet the town 6 people at a time. We are looking forward to moving there eventually and raising children in a small town. It’s not difficult to understand why the FTP has targeted Grafton.

Unfortunately, my husband and I were not in town for the recent town meeting and learning about the FTP’s plans for Grafton were somewhat of a shock. Information about Grafton on the Internet is so limited that what little information we have been able to gather is scattered and disjunct at best. For two people who invested in Grafton because of the "live and let live" mentality, this movement (and especially the inflammatory language from both sides) is as alarming to us as I’m certain it is for full-time residents in Grafton.

So, I sit here in my home far away from Grafton stressing about what is happening in the town that I love and I test the libertarian’s philosophy of legalization of victimless crimes ( Fortunately, Zack Bass has done much of the creative work for me (

I think…
 Mandatory recycling DOES protect my right to enjoy a clean environment.
 Compulsory Schooling protects children from being skill-less and gives them the option to be employed later in life.
 Prostitution infringes on my right to live in an environment which will be healthy and moral for me and my children.

Ok… how about less dogmatic versions of libertarianism (
 Tax credits for education in order to CHOOSE the school to which you wish to send your children… Is there a bad side?
 The ability to opt out of Social Security. Unfortunately, this would hurt the elderly population who are currently drawing from SS. However, in our recent trip to a financial planner, we were told not to even include anything from SS because there will be nothing left for my generation.
 What about freedom of speech and press? I have to admit that I am not personally a huge fan of Howard Stern, but shouldn’t we defend his right to speak? (

Conceptually, libertarianism in it’s purest form is not realistic or practical (Thanks for the help, Zack.) And understandably the FSP people are trying to distance themselves from these radicals. Wouldn’t you?

However, as yet another party in our democratic system, it seems to me that the libertarians may have a place in society as a whole. So, I hope that with this movement to and discussion in Grafton that all of the residents will be able to take the good that could come with a libertarian’s thinking and keep the radicalists out of the town politics on my behalf. At least until I’m able to speak for myself in town meetings.

- Graftonite from afar

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LISTEN UP!!JASONPSORENS HAS A QUESTION THAT I THINK ALL GRAFTON RESIDENTS SHOULD ANSWER(keep in mind he is asking the question while pretending that he had no idea tim condon and other fsp/ftp members were planning on moving in a migratory-internet board-voting block):

6 FSP Publicity and Recruiting Discussion / FSP Publicity and Recruiting: Results / Re:Op-Ed in Union Leader: "Advice for Free State carpetbaggers — Go home" on: June 20, 2004, 08:22:00 PM

Who has declared war on any communities or anyone's way of life? (Besides two or three disgusting Internet personae who are not associated with the Free State Project.) The rhetoric here is staggering. I can only assume that you're a hardcore leftist fearful that you won't be able to take over New Hampshire government if more live-and-let-live types move in. What else could explain the fear and loathing? I'm really asking

2:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

March of the Retrogressives
by Jason Sorens

"When was the last time the Democratic Party protested a libertarian event? I've heard of libertarians protesting statist events, but never the reverse. They are under threat, and they know it. "

Hey Jason! I am not a Democrat so I won't be in that particular protest,but I do protest OUR govenor hanging out with the FSP/FTP. He is endorsing you guys. Don't you think it is sad that his association with you will cause him to lose the upcoming election? What will you do when your govenor ally is no longer the govenor?

3:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

March of the Retrogressives
by Jason Sorens
"Libertarians need to act now to galvanize the silent majority of New Hampshire against the forces of misery and retrogression. At the NHLA dinner, with the governor and other politicians in attendance, I'm going to present the basics of a plan that would separate school and state, town by town, and would gain the support of public school teachers! Yes, proposals like this one are now possible somewhere in this country—and that somewhere is New Hampshire. "

JasonPSorens wants to implement his "big ideas" already, and he doesn't even live here. I can't believe Gov.Benson needs JasonPSorens help!

3:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you do it Jay?

You've already done such a great job of promoting libertarianism, and garnerning support for your 'project'.

While you are at it: do some more work on the phones with the press. Your DNC handlers aren't getting their moneys worth out of your sabatoging activities.

How much money are you making working as an agent provacateur Jay? Can't be much if you still have to live at home.

4:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoo boy, I would have paid big bucks to be a fly on the wall when Amanda and Jason ripped Tim Condon a new one. And who "owned" the old free_town_project site? An FSP member?

Can't we still get the old emails by using the wayback machine?

So what are we going to do with all the nail-ridden clapboards we were going to spread all over the parking lot in front of the fire station when the Free Town wannabees were going to show up for their tour?

Hey, NHPR is doing another take on the Free Town tomorrow at 9 on the Exchange. They have Mike Lorrey in studio and Amanda on a call in (why don't they save the nickel and just get the NHPR's reporter's tape of the wench saying, "The Free State Project is a group of 20,000 liberty loving people....drone drone drone" in her place?

Tim Condon did a taped preinterview that will be played during the show. Probably didn't want to incur any more wrath from the FSP higher-ups as if they ripped him another one he couldn't sit down.

So do call in if you can and do your part in continuing to turn the entire state against JPS & Company.

6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have most of the good emails.

9:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, the owner/moderator of the free_town_project yahoo group is:
George Reich

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

FSP member?
George Reich is on the FSP Board of Directors.

FSP bio of George ReichLong time resident of New Hampshire. Resides in Dover Long time libertarian
Member of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire

10:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face it Jay and Larry,

Without the FTP y'all are nothing but peeled zeros.


The FTP is destroyed. You lose.

7:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any "journalist" that writes an article on this story (the story: an internet flame war) is a dork and has no real talent.

- Mark

11:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grafton shitbags. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE YOU OVER BY FORCE! Don't get confused. I'm an FSP member and we talk about it all the time. We also formulate stories to spoon-feed this blog and twist your little hillbilly minds into our way of thinking. Haha, you are puppets.

You haven't had an original complaint or issue, that has not been planted by an FSP representative since the first week of inception. The funny thing is, I can tell you this now, and still be in control of you by the end of the day. The lights are a little dim in Grafton, and they will soon go out!

There is no plan to move to Grafton. Do you understand that shitbags?? Understand, when I say "shitbags" I'm talking about everyone in NH, not just Grafton. The plan is to TAKE OVER, migration is not necessary, who the fuck would live in Grafton on purpose anyway? BTW, NH wasn't chosen because it is the most " free state" it was chosen because the people who occupy it are generally the most ignorant residents that occupy any state and they are as defenseless as school girls when it comes to politics. You are completly predictable with every action you take. This blog is all you can do to defend yourselves against the impending take over?? That is why Grafton was chosen. Do you think the same response would be offered out west??? Not a chance, they would have skinned us alive for throwing Zack at them, but you people are great, you take it right in the ass and ask for more. Zack was great wasn't he?? I don't think anyone could have done it better. You responded with the usual predictability, just like what was planned. Haha, boy, it was beautiful!

Grafton will be TAKEN OVER! don't you worry about that. The snare has already been tripped by your very own top official. It's all over but the publicity for the next endeavor. This will go down in history as one of the most profound political coups in America's history, and ya'll git to be a part of it, so, look alive! Everyone is watching.

8:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think you could come up with something new?

12:52 PM


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