Thursday, June 10, 2004

FTP Logo

The bee/wasp in the Free Town Project (FTP) logo is named Reddy KillerWasp. She lays her eggs in a paralyzed victim. The larva eat the victim, similar to the bot fly. This is to keep the larva's food fresh while the takeover proceeds. That is kind of how Zack/Larry explained it. The logo also says "Liberty in My Lifetime". That means Zack/Larry's lifetime. Zack/Larry is on the old side. He does not have as much time as JasonPSorens, or that is what he kind of said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a FSP person - and I was interested in the Free Town Project until I saw the insane babbling of Larry/Zack, Jay etc. Now I am horrified at how they are presenting Libertarianism and the FSP and would like to contribute to the cause of Saving Grafton from the likes of them. They are obviously afflicted with a heavy case of "Libertarian Macho Flash" -ie see the website that Jay has put up about his potential clientelle to his campground in grafton. In a way - I suppse the Save Grafton folks can be glad of the efforts of Larry/Zack and company. We were seriously considering moving - but we don't want these jerks as neighbors anymore than you do.

2:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen your picture Jay - I think you would nicely fit in with the people on Cliff Yablonski's website.

Glad to hear you aren't moving your trailer-trash crowd to Grafton.

7:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


If the DNC or anti-libertarian types were paying for somebody to be an agent provacateur, they couldn't have done any better than your stumblebum attempts at public relations. Keep up the good work Jay ! Maybe you can completely discredit the Free State Project and libertarianism completely if you and Mr.Child Porn pervert Zack/Larry keep on, keeping on.

You and your buddies are the Lyndon Larouche of the Free State Project. Sadly, you don't even seem to be aware of it. You ACTUALLY think you are promoting freedom with your odious and childish behaviour. All you are doing is proving the following:

In a free society, people will be free to be assholes.

Well done JAY. You've made the point, in more ways than one. WTG!

I would also propose to the people of Grafton to apply a libertarian solution to the problem of people like Jay and Company if/when they move to Grafton.

Don't patronize their establishment, shun them, and don't allow them to patronize any of your stores.

If they have a problem with not being able to buy their porn and heaping doses of Cheetos, Ho-hos and beer at the ONLY grocery store in town, you can simply remind them that they are "FREE" to go hunt for their own food, and that you reserve the "RIGHT" to refuse service.

I highly suspect that "Jay" won't last a month in his dedication to Liberty in Grafton without a steady supply of junk food to stuff in his face while zooming around the internet and getting into manly internet debates about "live donkey sex shows".

That's a Free Market Solution for the likes of Jay and company. Take it for what it's worth.
The other thing that Graftonites can rest assured of is this: If Jay and Zack are representative of the libertarians planning to move: I don't think you have to much to worry about with regards to voting. Who would vote for any of these losers? I'm a libertarian and I wouldn't vote for them.

1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it sad, while reading these comments, or maybe I should say bewildered and disturbed. Why would all these high up people want to move to Grafton and make it into something that they have just moved away from. Grafton is fine the way it is, yeah people bitch about it, but what do expect, people come here to get away from assholes like your FSP people. Oh yeah and find Larry/Zach to be very immature...if you want to move to Grafton and turn it into a metropolitian area, maybe you could or should some respect for its residents. Jesus Christ some people are just ridiculous.

2:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live and Let Live....and get a life

3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay............get a life.....but keep it out of Grafton....

4:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt Jay, you are all too familiar with having to pay for sex. From Ebay Fraudster Criminal to Pimp in only a few years. Your parents must be so proud.

7:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll steal your bitches, and make them my hoes.

Hey, will you have trailers that can be rented by the hour at the freestatecampground? My hoes could use that.

Everyone knows when it comes to hoes,
Pimpin' ain't easy.

I would think libertarians would advocate independent whores. Oh, but they are greedy, and must get thier cut.

12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jay!

I was flipping though the TV channels today and I saw you on Jerry Springer!

It was the episoder where the fat brother was so disgusting that his sister brought him on the Jerry show to make him take a bath.

You looked good getting soaped up in the tub there boy.

11:14 PM


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