Thursday, June 10, 2004

Free Town Land Development (FTLD)

What is it, and who is on the Board of Directors(BOD)? It cost $1000 to get in, right? Is Mike Lorrey (Chairman of the Board, FTLD) going to the town meeting?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Someone in The Free Town Land Trust thingy PLEASE explain what it is all about. I know there about 8 or 9 people in on this whole thing,please explain! For some reason Mike Lorrey couldn't explain it in person.

8:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Michael and I am part of the so-called 'Free Town Project' group. I have some cursory knowledge of the FTLD... what would you like to know?
For a more prompt response, please feeel free to email me at:

6:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Condon and Mike Lorrey said they did not anything about that group.

7:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

from what I understand, this FTLD 'group' was supposed to join financial forces and create lower cost housing alternatives to attract other libs to Grafton. I believe that it is pretty much 'defunct' now - not due to this hub-bub but long before there was some misunderstandings or something within the 'group' and it seemed just to evaporate.... oh well, not all ventures are successful.

I do know that Mr. Hull and his purchase are not (to the best of my knowledge) the results of some group effort and his desires with his holdings are very vague at this point.

I do not think Tim was part of the FTLD group (I think there were only 4 or 5) and it was mostly folks (residents) already living in NH.


10:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really can't keep up with all the different parts of this Blog - join this Yahoo Group and we can talk, and Zack (I am sure will be there as well - Zack also has a forum to post questions to which is good also, up to you.... if you want to grill us on anything from 'What the Heck are you doing?' to 'Libertarianism is Stupid!', we will be happy to oblige... there.

I created a Yahoo Group expressly for the purpose of discussing items with Grafonites, if anyone cares to participate or lurk, it could be very enlightening... I do not know if anyone from Grafton will join up...

Group name: GraftonCrisis
Group home page:
Group email:

Zacks Forum:

thank you for your time...

8:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grafton shitbags. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE YOU OVER BY FORCE! Don't get confused. I'm an FSP member and we talk about it all the time. We also formulate stories to spoon-feed this blog and twist your little hillbilly minds into our way of thinking. Haha, you are puppets.

You haven't had an original complaint or issue, that has not been planted by an FSP representative since the first week of inception. The funny thing is, I can tell you this now, and still be in control of you by the end of the day. The lights are a little dim in Grafton, and they will soon go out!

There is no plan to move to Grafton. Do you understand that shitbags?? Understand, when I say "shitbags" I'm talking about everyone in NH, not just Grafton. The plan is to TAKE OVER, migration is not necessary, who the fuck would live in Grafton on purpose anyway? BTW, NH wasn't chosen because it is the most " free state" it was chosen because the people who occupy it are generally the most ignorant residents that occupy any state and they are as defenseless as school girls when it comes to politics. You are completly predictable with every action you take. This blog is all you can do to defend yourselves against the impending take over?? That is why Grafton was chosen. Do you think the same response would be offered out west??? Not a chance, they would have skinned us alive for throwing Zack at them, but you people are great, you take it right in the ass and ask for more. Zack was great wasn't he?? I don't think anyone could have done it better. You responded with the usual predictability, just like what was planned. Haha, boy, it was beautiful!

Grafton will be TAKEN OVER! don't you worry about that. The snare has already been tripped by your very own top official. It's all over but the publicity for the next endeavor. This will go down in history as one of the most profound political coups in America's history, and ya'll git to be a part of it, so, look alive! Everyone is watching.

8:21 PM


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